Informaon pursuant to arcles 13 and 14 of Regulaon (EU) 2016/679 In
This disclosure, pursuant to arcles 13 and 14 of Regulaon (EU) 2016/679 (hereinaer referred to, for the sake of brevity, simply as "GDPR"), the informaon
relang to the processing of personal data connected to the use of the BRM Follow-up mobile applicaon.
The data controller
data controller is BRM Extremies Srl (VAT number 08683610961), based in Civate (LC), in via Papa Giovanni XXIII n. 9 – 23862, tel.: 0341 1693087, ordinary e-mail:
info@brm-extremi, PEC: brlextremi, in the person of its pro tempore legal representave.
The interested pares and the data processed
The interested pares are the natural persons whose personal data the Data Controller processes through the BRM Follow- up applicaon and its funcons, who
are idenfied or idenfiable:
a. the doctors who register on the applicaon (hereinaer referred to, for brevity, simply as the "Doctors" or, in the singular, as the doctor");
b. paents, whose data are entered by the Doctors for the management of the follow-up (hereinaer indicated, for the sake of brevity, simply as the “Paents” or,
in the singular, as the “Paent”).
The Doctors' data processed through the BRM Follow-up applicaon are common personal data (name and surname, any other personal data, e-mail address,
password, type of prosthesis with which the individual doctor works, etc.).
Paent data processed through the BRM Follow-up applicaon are common personal data (name and surname, date of birth, e-mail address and - oponally -
telephone number) and parcular data (sex, age and weight of the paent , date of the operaon, implanted medical device, any images of the operaon, x-rays
and other diagnosc tests, video recordings of the paent limited to the area affected by the operaon or through measures aimed at prevenng the recovery of
the face or other characterisc elements); the e-mail address of the Paent is collected and processed to send the confirmaon of the manifestaon of consent to
the registraon of the same and to allow him to possibly exercise his rights.
The Owner recommends that the Doctor take the images and film the Paent, liming the area to be filmed to a minimum and absolutely avoiding filming the face
and other characterisc bodily elements (taoos, other idenfying elements).
At the me of saving the Paent's data in the mobile applicaon, the Doctor declares that he is entled to store and in any case process the Paent's data by means
of this tool.
Purpose of the treatment
The personal data of the interested pares are processed for the purposes listed in this paragraph:
1. Registraon of the Doctor's account on the BRM Follow-up mobile applicaon;
2. Paent Registraon;
3. Inseron of any images of the operaon, x-rays and other diagnosc invesgaons, video recordings of the Paent limited to the area affected by the operaon
or by means of a device aimed at prevenng the recovery of the face or other characterisc elements;
4. Making paent follow-up data available for subsequent Doctor visits as well as for sharing with other Doctors who follow the paent;
5. Making follow-up data available to the paent;
6. Sending newsleers to the Doctor regarding the acvity of the Owner.
Processing methods
The processing of personal data takes place using IT and telemac tools with logic strictly related to the purposes and, in any case, in such a way as to guarantee
the security and confidenality of the data in compliance with the regulaons in force. The treatment is carried out with electronic processing methods, through
management and storage systems with cung-edge hardware and soware: in order to provide high quality services to the interested pares, the Data Controller
can use services provided by specialized companies which are promptly made aware of his responsibilies by signing a specific contract for the appointment of
data controller pursuant to art. 28 GDPR.
The data is stored on servers located at the Data Controller's registered office, as well as possibly at the headquarters of external managers and their suppliers,
within the European Union. The Data Controller will not transfer User data outside the European Union, unless the condions set out in Arcles exist. 45 et seq.
Legal basis of the processing
For the purpose indicated above in n. 1 the legal basis of the treatment is constuted by the art. 6 par. 1, lit. b) GDPR (i.e. the execuon of
a contract - as well as the provision of related services - or the execuon of pre-contractual measures adopted at the request of the Doctor). For the purposes
indicated above in numbers 2, 3 and 4, the legal basis for the processing of the paent's common personal data is art. 6 par. 1, lit. a) GDPR (i.e. the free, specific,
informed and unequivocal consent of the Paent who - informed by the Doctor regarding the characteriscs of the processing of his data - expresses his consent
to the same, to then confirm it by contacng the e-mail by the mobile applicaon); for the same purposes, the legal basis for the processing of the paent's
parcular data is art. 9 par. 2, lit. a) GDPR (i.e. the free, specific, informed and unequivocal consent of the Paent who - informed by the Doctor regarding the
characteriscs of the processing of his data - expresses his consent to the same, to then confirm it by contacng the e-mail by the mobile applicaon).
For the purpose indicated above in n. 5 the legal basis the legal basis of the processing is constuted for common personal data by art. 6 par. 1 lit. a) GDPR and for
parcular data from the art. 9 par. 2, lit. a) GDPR (in both cases it is the free, specific, informed and unequivocal consent of the Paent, who expresses it by
consulng the data concerning him or by downloading them).
For the purpose indicated above in n. 6 the legal basis of the treatment is constuted by the art. 6 par. 1, lit. a) GDPR (i.e. the free, specific, informed and unequivocal
consent of the Doctor).
Compulsory or oponal nature of the provision of data and consequences of a possible refusal to answer
The provision of data is oponal for the purposes referred to in numbers 1., 2., 3., 4. and 5.; failing that, the services rendered by the BRM Follow-up applicaon
cannot be provided to the Doctor and the Paent and, for the purposes referred to in art. 6, the newsleer about the acvity of the Owner cannot be sent to the
Communicaon and disseminaon
The personal data of Doctors and Paents are processed by the Data Controller, by any Data Processors and by the Persons authorized to process them. Paent
data may be communicated, subject to the consent expressed by the same, to other Doctors who treat them, by extending access to the pernent files to them.
Storage mes
In the event of a request for cancellaon of the account by the Doctor, it is removed.
In the event of withdrawal of consent by the paent, or inacvity for more than 24 months aer the conclusion of the follow-up on the relevant file, his data can
only be stored aer radical and irreversible anonymizaon of the same, for scienfic and stascal purposes.
In case of revocaon of the Doctor's consent to the sending of the newsleer, his e-mail address will be removed from the relevant mailing list.
Existence of an automated decision-making process
There is no automated decision-making process.
Rights of the interested
party As an interested party, the subjects connected to the client companies as well as the company representaves of these companies can exercise the following
rights: access to data (art. 15 GDPR); recficaon (art. 16 GDPR), cancellaon (art. 17 GDPR), limitaon of data processing (art. 18 GDPR); data portability (art 20
GDPR) where applicable; opposion to the treatment (art. 21 GDPR). Interested pares can exercise their rights at any me by contacng the Data Controller at
the addresses indicated above and, if they believe that their rights have been violated, they can appeal to the Guarantor for the protecon of personal data.